
Welcome to our Club

Click on the link below to view the welcome letter to all prospective members.

1. Chairman’s Welcome

Membership Cards

Each member is provided with a Membership Card (referred to as a swipe card) which may be used for bar and most catering purchases. Members benefit from a discount of 10%, when using the card, on prices already competitive compared to other local sources.

Committee & Management

The club’s activities are overseen by our President, Chairman and a Committee of members elected by rotation at each Annual General Meeting. The committee normally meets about six times a year. The club is managed on a day-to-day basis by our Chairman and our Club Committee, supported by our Staff and Caterer.

Categories of Membership

We have a number of categories of membership each with its own subscription rate – Full, Senior, Country (resident more than 50 miles away from the Club), Honorary, Temporary (limited to no more than 3 months membership at a time), Family & Partner.  We also have a category for Junior Members (between the ages of 18 and 25). Subscriptions are reviewed annually by our committee.

Mobile Phones

As a courtesy to other members, mobile phones should not be used in the public rooms.

Constitution & Rules

The Club’s Constitution is designed to provide an appropriate social club for both male and female members and afford to members all the usual privileges, advantages, conveniences of a high standard club. In simple terms, it provides a place where like-minded people can meet with friends and associates in pleasant and peaceful surroundings. Copies of the rules can be obtained by clicking the link below;

Kent and Canterbury Rules – Version 1.4 (Approved 13th September 2017)


There is a regular and effective two-way communication with members via a comprehensive e-mail network.  A notice board is sited in the Club hall and carries information on current events. Information is also issued periodically by mail by our Communications Officer.

Dress Code

Bar, Lounge and Dining Room: Except for “pre-arranged” formal functions, smart casual dress is the norm. Members are expected to dress appropriately at all times.