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Trip to National Liberal Club in London

Dear all,

I hope everyone is enjoying the good weather.

I am looking at organising a trip to the National Liberal Club in London in September.
I’m not sure if it would be minibus from the Club or train yet. We are an affiliate club.
Please could you reply back if this is something that you would be interested in?
In addition if anyone else has any ideas for trips / events please let me know and I would be very willing to help organise.
Kind Regards,
Stuart Rosen

Friday 24th June Cava and Canapes evening

Dear all,
Just a reminder for this event. The deadline is end of day tomorrow (Thursday).
Please see the attached for details of the upcoming Cava and Canapes evening.
Please book either by contacting the Club or responding to the notice on the noticeboard.
Kind Regards,
Stuart Rosen

Breakfast menu

Dear all,

Please see attached the new breakfast menu.

Any questions please ask.
Kind Regards,
Stuart Rosen