Dear all, Please see attached menu details for the Ladies Lunch on Friday 22nd April. Please let Lisa know if you are coming by calling the Club or else replying to this email. Ladies Lunch 220422 Kind Regards, Stuart Rosen

Reminder Jazz evening with hot fork buffet 8th April 7pm

Dear all, Please see below for a reminder of this event. The deadline is now the Friday before 1st April. The Club’s next event is a Jazz evening on the 8th April with hot fork buffet. Arrive for 7pm, to eat at 7:30pm. Price is £25 per ticket – please...

Jazz evening with hot fork buffet 8th April 7pm

Dear all, The Club’s next event is a Jazz evening on the 8th April with hot fork buffet. Arrive for 7pm, to eat at 7:30pm. Price is £25 per ticket – please reply to this email or else use the sign up sheet on the Club noticeboard. Guests welcome! The...

Membership recruitment £50 credit

Dear all, MESSAGE FROM THE COMMITTEE The club is a wonderful resource and a thriving community. As we leave the pandemic (hopefully) we would like to look to our membership to increase our numbers. Just as it is in spring it is time to start planting, we would like to...

Reminder Quiz night Friday 18th March 2022

Dear all, Please see attached details of a Quiz night scheduled for Friday 18th March 2022. You may book by replying to this email or using the sign up sheet on the Club notice board. Quiz night 18th March 2022 The deadline will be Tuesday 15th March. If there isnt...