Further dates for your diary

Dear all, Please see below for further dates to save: PIE AND MASH DAY              FRIDAY 4TH MARCH   FROM 12.00  £10.00PP LADIES LUNCH                       FRIDAY 11 MARCH 12.00 FOR 12.30 (SEE PREVIOUS EMAILS) QUIZ NIGHT                            FRIDAY 18 MARCH...

Race night held on 11th February

Dear all, Just a quick note to let you know that the Club raised £353 for the charity Dreams Come True during the race night held on the 11th February. The next race night is scheduled for the 18th November. More details will be sent nearer the time. Please see...

Quiz night Friday 18th March 2022

Dear all, Please see attached details of a Quiz night scheduled for Friday 18th March 2022. You may book by replying to this email or using the sign up sheet on the Club notice board. Quiz night 18th March 2022 Hope to see you there! Kind Regards, Stuart...

Office for let

Dear all, Please see details of office space within the building that will be available for rental from the 1st June 2022. Office for let Kind Regards, Stuart Rosen

Ladies Lunch Friday 11th March menu

Dear all, Please click here: Ladies Lunch Friday 11th March for the menu for the Ladies Lunch on Friday 11th March. Please contact the Club or else write on the sign up sheet on the notice board your choices. Kind Regards, Stuart...

Save the date

Dear all, I hope everyone is keeping well. Please see below for a few dates to save: PIE AND MASH DAY    FRIDAY 4TH MARCH   FROM 12.00  £10.00PP LADIES LUNCH             FRIDAY 11 MARCH 12.00 FOR 12.30 (MENU TO FOLLOW) EASTER LUNCH            THURSDAY 14 APRIL 12.00...