Club food service closure

Dear all,   Due to pre-booked holiday and a short notice medical procedure, food service will be closed on Tuesday 11th April.   There will be no food service also for the rest of the week, with reduced Club opening hours of 11:30AM to 2:30PM.   The bar...

Menu for Ladies Lunch on Friday 21st April

Dear all, Please could see attached and below for the next Ladies Lunch. Ladies Lunch To book with your choices please contact the Club or else use the sheet on the noticeboard. Kind Regards, Stuart Rosen

Front wall render

Dear all, Just a quick email to inform you that the front side wall of the Club, where the ivy was, is being repaired and rendered on Monday 3rd April. It will take Monday and Tuesday and then be finished on Friday. Kind Regards, Stuart...

Coronation of His Majesty The King lunch Friday 5th May

Dear all, To mark the Coronation of His Majesty The King, the Club will be holding a special lunch on Friday 5th May. You can also access it on the link below: Please book your choices...

Easter Lunch Thursday 6th April

Dear all, Please see the attached details for an Easter Lunch. You can also access it on the link below: Please book your choices by contacting the Club or else using the sign up sheet...