Ladies Lunch Friday 10th February

Dear all, There is a Ladies Lunch on the 10th February. Please see below for details. Ladies Lunch 10th February 2023 There is a sheet on the noticeboard for your choices or you may contact the Club. Kind Regards, Stuart Rosen

Winter Special Menu

Dear all, There is a new Winter special menu available starting next week (Monday 23rd January). Please see the following link for details: Kind Regards, Stuart...

Burns night Friday 3rd February

Dear all, Hi hope everyone had a good holiday season and new year. The Club would like to welcome you to take part in our Burns night celebration on Friday the 3rd February. There will be a piper in attendance and Club Member Alex Lawson will officiate the evening....

More illness

Dear all, Sharon is now ill, however it is not confirmed if it is Covid related. It is unlikely she will be in tomorrow. This means that there will be no food tomorrow but the bar will be open during the day. Any bookings already taken for today will be honoured as...

Bar evening closure

Hi, I hope everyone is well. Unfortunately Tyler has contracted Covid and is feeling unwell so the bar is closed this evening and also probably for the rest of the week. A reminder that the Club closes on Thursday and will reopen on Wednesday 4th January 2023. We wish...

Christmas lunch choices

Hi, Just a quick email to ask for your choices for the Christmas lunch here at the Club if you haven’t done so already. Apologies for sending this email to whom this does not apply to. Please could we have your choices by tomorrow (Friday 9th). Kind Regards,...